Category: Children and Education

  • Educational Shows For Kids

    Educational Shows For Kids

    Parents are constantly looking for educational screen time opportunities for their children. With screen time recommendations limited to less than an hour a day for younger children, many parents want to use this time for educational and entertainment purposes. Below are five educational cartoon recommendations that will engage and delight your children. Ask the StoryBots…

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  • Educational Apps for Kids

    Educational Apps for Kids

    While many of us as parents may feel conflicted about screentime, technology has become a mainstream way to enhance education. There are many applications, both free and paid, to help children learn English, math, foreign languages, science, and history. Educational apps for children generally follow an adventure. The children work through levels to go to…

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  • Five Educational YouTube Channels for Kids

    Five Educational YouTube Channels for Kids

    Parents are always looking for educational screentime options. There are tons of free educational tools for children on the internet. Below are five completely free youtube resources to help your children learn a range of topics from science to Spanish to history. These channels are engaging, detailed, and short for young learners. Language Learners Espanol…

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  • Five Books For Beginner Readers

    Five Books For Beginner Readers

    There are tons of wonderful books for beginner readers. Beginner reader books use repetitive language, have engaging images, and are easy to decipher. They are a great way to boost the confidence a young child learning to read independently. Below are just five awesome books to help your child love reading. Big Shark, Little Shark…

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  • Five Books to Read with Children

    Five Books to Read with Children

    Five Books to Read with Your Children 1. Grandpa and Jake by Julie Fortenberry In this beautifully illustrated and sweet story, Grandpa is caring for his grandson Jake. Suddenly, Grandpa insists they turn off the T.V. and go somewhere he enjoyed going with his own grandpa when he was young. Jake spends the walk guessing…

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  • Five Books to Read with Children

    Five Books to Read with Children

    1. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss Enter the world of Dr Seuss with this classic children’s story. The distinct illustrations, fun rhymes, and silly situations will enthrall children of all ages. Green Eggs and Ham follows Sam-I Am as he tries to convince Mr. Knox to try new food in a variety of…

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