Five Science Channels for Kids

There are tons of educational videos online for kids. Below are five scientific YouTube channels specifically for children. They are appropriate for children of all ages and discuss a wide variety of scientific topics. This channels are sure to get your kid excited about the sciences.
As always, be sure to watch the videos for yourself to determine whether they are appropriate for your child.
Sci Show Kids

Sci show kids is discusses an array of scientific topics including weather, dinosaurs, and gardening. They often release seasonally appropriate videos. Their videos often include science experiments and answering questions children have about science. There is also a Sci Show channel designed for older audiences.
Nat Geo Kids

Nat Geo Kids is a child-friendly version of national geographic. They have a ton of historical and scientific content. Plus, lots and lots of awesome animal videos.
Science Max Experiments at Large

Science Max episodes focus on one scientific principle. The episode then revolves around an experiment in which there is a lot of trial and error and adjustment based on findings. Plus, at at the end they always make an enormous version of the experiment. The tone of this series is a little goofier (think Bill Nye!).

This channel is not specifically catered to children, however, it has thousands of space related content for your future astronaut to enjoy.
Crash Course Kids

Crash Course Kids has not post new videos in a while, but they have many short videos teaching children about specific scientific topics. Some topics include space, chemistry, and habitats.