Book Moments That Didn’t Make the Movies That Need to be in the Show Part 2
******This post contains spoilers
The Battle of the Astronomy Tower/ Madame Rosmerta’s Imperius Curse
In the Half-Blood Prince, after finding the fake horcrux in the cave, Dumbledore and Harry return to Hogsmeade to see the Dark Mark over the astronomy tower. Madame Rosmerta, who had been under the imperius curse and aiding Malfoy throughout the year, rushes out of The Three Broomsticks to ensure that Dumbledore has seen the mark. She offers Dumbledore and Harry brooms and they rush back to the school. When they arrive Dumbledore only has the time to protect himself or Harry before Malfoy and his death eaters emerge. He chooses to immobilize and silence Harry under the invisibility cloak before facing Malfoy.
When Dumbledore dies and falls from the tower, the spells binding Harry are broken. He knows for certain Dumbledore is dead. Harry chases Snape out of the tower through a battle between members of the Order of the Phoenix/ Dumbledore’s Army and the Death Eaters.
Before leaving on his mission with Dumbledore, Harry had alerted members of Dumbledore’s Army and asked them to keep watch outside of the Room of Requirement and Snape’s office. He had suspected Malfoy was using the Room of Requirement for something all year, but was unable to provide proof. He was certain Malfoy would try something that night. While Malfoy was able to sneak the death eaters past his sentries, they soon found them and were engaged in battle. What I find the most impressive about this, is these children were able to fight against grown wizards who ere aiming to kill.
Dumbledore’s Army’s Galleons
During the Order of the Phoenix many of the students are unhappy with their defense against the dark arts instruction (which is basically non-existent). With the return of Voldemort it’s more crucial than ever that they learn to defend themselves against dark wizards. The students form a group known as Dumbledore’s Army where they learn defensive magic from Harry, who has had a lot of first-hand experience. However, the gathering groups of students is banned, and Dumbledore’s army needs to be clever about contacting one another. Hermione comes up with the idea of fake galleons. She gives each member of the army a fake galleon that will burn hot to alert them when a time for the next meeting has been set. The date and time would appear around the edges of the galleon disguised as serial numbers. Hermione got this idea from Voldemort, who used his dark mark to summon his death eaters by burning on their skin.
The Betrayal of Dumbledore’s Army
In the movie, Order of the Phoenix, Cho Chang is the one who betrays Dumbledore’s Army. However, in the books it was her friend Marietta who was unenthused about attending the group from the beginning.
After every member agrees to join Dumbledore’s Army, Hermione has them sign a paper under the pretense of needing a list. The list is bewitched so that if anyone betrays them, they will know exactly who it was. As soon as Marietta begins telling Umbridge about the meetings the word “SNEAK” appears across her face in pimples. Marietta becomes distraught and refuses to give any more information.
Voldemort’s Death
At the end of The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Voldemort dies and disintegrates in a dramatic way. In the book he dies a much more mundane death. His own killing curse rebounds, killing him, as Harry disarms him and retrieves the elder wand. The survivors of the battle then remove his body from the room, so they can honor/mourn their own dead. While this may not make for the most exciting way for a villain to end in a movie, I like that he meets a normal death after trying to defeat death.