Book Moments That Didn’t Make the Movies That Need to be in the Show
******* This post contains spoilers
Let me preface this by saying that I loved the Harry Potter movies. I enjoyed them very much and waited outside the theater to get good seats. I understand that the books are very long and that movie makers couldn’t possibly put everything in the original stories into the films. Plus, sometimes things are just more interesting in books than they would be in a movie. That being said, there are many differences between the movies and their source material. Here are just some of my favorite things that didn’t make it into the movies, that I hope to see in the show.
Peeves the Poltergeist
Movie watchers may not have heard of the Hogwarts poltergeist, Peeves, who was disliked by staff and students alike. Peeves, while not a vital part of the Harry Potter stories, was a constant source of mischief in the books. He had a habit of popping out at the worst moment, taunting our hero, and tormenting Mr. Filch. In Chamber of Secrets, Peeves is responsible for breaking the vanishing cabinet Malfoy later spends Half-Blood Prince mending. However, the moment I most hope makes it into the new television series, is after Fred and George leave Hogwarts and Peeves takes his promise to them to “give her [Professor Umbridge] Hell” very seriously.
Voldemort’s History
In the Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore, knowing he is going to die soon, begins giving Harry private lessons. The purpose of these lessons is to teach Harry as much as he can about Voldemort and give him as much information about the horcruxes that he can. In these lessons Dumbledore shows Harry memories he’s collected over many years. We learn about the Gaunts and the Riddles, (Voldemort’s families), the relationship between his parents, how he ended up at the orphanage, his attachment to Hogwarts, and what happened to him between his exit from Hogwarts and his emergence as the Dark Lord. The movies touched on this a bit, but I personally really enjoyed learning how Voldemort became the evilest wizard of all time. Plus, I enjoyed seeing how Dumbledore tried to prepare Harry versus throwing him into his mission with almost no information.
Anything About Ginny
I felt like the movies really did Ginny a disservice. To me, she didn’t have much of a personality. In the books she was spirited and tough. She was more like Fred and George, had a sense of humor and always stood up for herself. She was also a very good quidditch player and quite popular with the boys (much to Harry’s dismay later on). In the books it’s easier to understand how Harry and Ginny end up together and why she was invited to join the Slug Club. One of my favorite Ginny moments that I hope makes into the tv show is when she flies into the podium after the quidditch match because she doesn’t like the commentator.
The House Elves
While in the movies, Dobby plays a bigger role in the books. He often helps Harry throughout his journeys once he begins working at Hogwarts. He trails Malfoy during Half-Blood Prince, gives him the gillyweed for the Triwizard tournament, and shows him the room of requirement in Order of the Phoenix. He takes care of Winky (who is not in the movies at all) and watches Kreacher when he also begins work at Hogwarts. Speaking of Kreacher, I would love to see more of his redemption and his betrayal in the show.
During the Goblet of Fire, Hermione starts a movement called S.P.E.W. (the society for the promotion of elfish welfare). This movement does not catch on. However, she does not become discouraged and spends a great deal of time knitting clothing and hiding it throughout the Gryffindor common room in an attempt to free the house elves. Eventually, the house elves become so offended that all of them except Dobby refuse to clean Gryffindor tower. Her determination for wizards to treat house elves with respect becomes important later on when Harry, Ron, and Hermione need help from Kreacher.